With 1.3 million attorneys in the United States, finding a great lawyer shouldn’t be difficult.¹ Your choice will depend on why you need an attorney, the area of law you are dealing with and your budget. The best way to start looking for an experienced and effective attorney is online. A simple search can help you find a successful attorney with expertise in your area of need.

Finding The Right Attorney
Finding an attorney with the right expertise can be a challenge. There are many different areas of law, and it is important to make sure you select a lawyer with a specialty that suits your needs. Losing a case or getting the wrong help can be the worst possible outcome, so it is critical to be clear about what you need. Here are a few common cases in which people need a lawyer.
Car Accidents
No one wants to get in a car accident, but they do happen. And with car accidents come insurance issues. As if the trauma of a crash was not enough you have the double whammy of dealing with assessors looking into who owes who how much. If you have been injured in an accident, the insurance company has a vested interest to pay you out as small an amount as possible.
Finding a lawyer who specializes in getting you the money you deserve from your car, truck or vehicle accident can be well worth the time and energy. Lawyers who specialize in this know how to see through the half-truths of insurance companies and face them down in court. They also can get you what you are owed for medical expenses, disabilities and in cases involving injury of a significant other or family member.
Personal Injury
Personal injury lawyers are the people you call when you have been badly hurt on the workplace, in an unforeseen accident or through dysfunctional products or professional wrongdoing. An experienced personal injury attorney knows how to look into your claim, check the reliability of witnesses and give you advice on how to get a payout. They are adept at working with tort law to ensure you have a positive outcome and get the compensation you deserve for your suffering.²
Drunk Driving
Finding a good DUI (Driving Under the Influence) attorney is a matter of checking reviews, looking around online and sometimes also paying attention to word-of-mouth. A DUI conviction can have serious consequences on your future and a DUI attorney understands the law around intoxicated driving thoroughly and can make sure that the negative possibilities of your crime are minimized so you can have a second chance.³
As sad as it is to say, America’s 50 percent divorce rate means that a lot of folks need a divorce lawyer. These attorneys specialize in explaining your rights to you if you are going through a divorce and handling thorny issues like child custody, child support, dividing up assets and resolving impasses between the couple in question.
This area of family law is emotional and upsetting and couples going through a divorce are already devastated enough without extra legalistic burdens. For this reason it is important to find a divorce lawyer who puts you at ease and is a natural negotiator and peacemaker.⁴
If you have been charged with a crime, finding a skilled criminal defense lawyer is crucial. You want an attorney who knows the law well and has a track record of defending those charged with similar crimes to you. At the end of the day a lot is going to come down to budget, a lawyer’s availability and your level of research. Searching online for the best criminal defense lawyers in your area is a good place to start.⁵
Recognizing A Great Lawyer
In addition to being personable and easy to deal with, a great lawyer is going to be solutions-oriented, highly skilled at negotiating, passionate about representing you and experienced in the field that you need. Make sure before you hire a lawyer that they are certified by the American Bar Association and that they have good references. Do not be afraid to ask them some questions about their background and experience in cases like yours before signing a contract or agreeing to pay fees. Best of luck in finding the lawyer who will fit all your needs.
[1] https://www.statista.com/statistics/740222/number-of-lawyers-us/
[2] https://www.newsweek.com/insights/10-best-personal-injury-attorneys
[3] http://www.lowcostlegal.com/8-tips-10-websites-finding-good-dui-lawyer/
[4] https://karencovy.com/10-tips-how-choose-divorce-lawyer/
[5] https://www.halfpricelawyers.com/criminal-defense/10-tips-help-find-best-criminal-defense-attorney/