There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep. Waking up fully rested and refreshed lets you take on the day with a smile and lots of energy. Sleep is a core component of both mental and physical health and all of us need to sleep well or we end up frazzled and potentially unhealthy. Unfortunately, some mattresses just don’t allow for a restful sleep: they poke at your ribs and make you toss and turn like a ragdoll. Many people suffer with a bad mattress for far too long due to the historically expensive costs of buying a new one. In fact, the cheapest, basic coil spring mattresses still start at $700.¹ There is hope, though. New businesses are innovating the mattress industry and bringing prices way down.

Cheap, High-Quality Mattresses
There are start-ups changing the way the mattress business works by offering better prices, new mattress technology and exceptional customer service and money-back guarantees. The best deals are available online and offer mattresses in all sizes and types—memory foam, latex, traditional coil spring, and hybrids—starting at less than $300.² Many come with long warranties and include an option to send back the mattress for free if you are unsatisfied for any reason.
The Arctic Dreams cooling gel memory foam mattress from DreamFoam, for example, has a 10-year warranty and can be returned free within 120 days of purchase. This gives the buyer plenty of time to make sure it lives up to expectations and offers a great quality of sleep.³
Today’s New and Improved Mattresses
The average person spends around 26 years of their life asleep and 7 years of their life trying to get to sleep. That’s about 33 years lying on a mattress.⁴ We pay a lot of attention to who we date, marry and sleep beside, but what about the thing we’re lying on top of every night?
Today’s mattresses are not just basic coil-spring, they utilize memory foam and other high-density foam technologies that are more restful on both your back and sides. They let you sink into dreamland without needing a follow-up visit to the chiropractor for a misaligned spine or jarring aches and pains.
What’s best is that these new mattresses can also be found online, right from the comfort of your home. Fully 38 percent of retailers are selling mattresses online and it offers many pricing and quality advantages.⁵
Buying Mattresses Online Is Popular
Although it may sound unusual to some readers, buying mattresses online has become quite popular. In fact, purchasing a mattress online can be 25 to 50 percent cheaper than buying one in-store.⁶ Getting a mattress sent to your door also saves you all the trouble of wandering around a large, impersonal showroom or dealing with pushy salespeople. As you can imagine, not having to buy or rent massive store space is also a big reason that online retailers can offer such attractive pricing and better quality for less.
Look Online And Find Your Dream Mattress
One of the most convenient ways to get started in finding your dream mattress is to perform an online search. A search can help you compare many of the different mattress options available. Whether you are looking for the lowest priced options or you simply want to go for the highest quality you can find, there are many resources and pages to help you find what you’re looking for.
Always remember to keep an eye out for special sales and promotions. Just like other retailers, online mattress vendors sometimes overstock and need to move merchandise—even very good mattresses, so do not be surprised if you find some fantastic deals.